How to be positive – “I don’t want to be a bar magnet”

How to be positive – “I don’t want to be a bar magnet”

I don’t want to be a Bar Magnet but I do want to be positive! And here’s why… The basic understanding of a bar magnet is that it has two poles, north pole and south pole. The Like poles repel each other and opposite poles attract each other, makes sense? You ever heard the saying “Opposites…



Have you ever noticed patterns? Everything in Life has a pattern, some more noticeable than others. If you understand the patterns in life I guarantee you, you will reach your successes. Here’s an example, those of you who have friends will assume to know your friends pretty well and will believe to understand how they behave or…

Out of touch

Out of touch

New Age vs Old Age It is very clear to me that there are two definite social groups emerging in our society today. New Age thinkers and Old Age thinkers. I am describing a New Age thinker as a person who is breaking away from the forms and information provided by conventional means, such as…

How to be more Positive: It’s a survival mechanism

How to be more Positive: It’s a survival mechanism

Introduction Positivity is a topic that we have to deal with every day, if it isn’t that then it’s neutral or a measure of negativity. But what is positivity? It is mentioned by friends and companions sometimes daily, “stay positive! It’s the only way!” they say. At times this may be difficult to do because…

Exploitation of Science

Exploitation of Science

What is science? Let’s check the official Oxford dictionary definition shall we: “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment” We are governed by scientific experiences every day by the looks of things. But is society fully expressing this…