I help senior professionals become confident Leaders whilst building a high performance business and lifestyle.

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About me

I spent 11 years working for the NHS, integrating complex digital clinical systems and setting up multi-million pound public health services across London and England. In 2020, I decided to quit my commissioning role and build a Portfolio Career. Today I am an Independent contractor, Trustee for the Institute of Leadership, Executive coach and Founder of a Coach Training Consultancy that helps leaders and organisations manage and drive change.

Here are 3 ways I can help you


The Sunday Masteri Weekly Newsletter

You’ll receive one practical insight or tip to help become the true leader you were meant to be leader with mind, heart and impact!


Informative & Insightful online courses

These are online courses that you can learn at your own pace centred around life management, securing new jobs, contracting and coaching.


Coaching & Consulting for Portfolio Careerist

I provide coaching services to senior professionals aiming to drive change in their company, business and Life

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I help senior professionals become confident Leaders whilst building a high performance business and lifestyle

Join other subscribers who get 1 practical tip every Sunday afternoon.

By entering your name and email address you agree to receive content and promotional offers centred around personal and professional development from Michael Tabirade. You can unsubscribe whenever you want to.

I help senior professionals become confident Leaders whilst building a high performance business and lifestyle.

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