Your Environment

Your Environment

Your environment is everything and it is important to understand that what goes into your environment effects your life. Environment is defined as the surroundings and conditions in which a person operates. So the question I ask you is, if that is the definition of your environment, what are you? According to the definition you…


I Want Money!

When people talk about success they normally refer to being financially successful, famous or even represented as some of sort of Warren Buffet replica. Do they really want this? Some people yes, but everyone I’m not so sure. I believe people do want financial riches and recognition for something, but that is not the end…



This is an article that touches upon the idea of society working for other people’s dreams rather than their own. It aims to trigger enlightenment towards ownership towards one life, where they can fully explore freedom for what they think it should be. Read on and leave a comment.



Have you ever thought that there is more than one version of you in the universe? I certainly have, and I believe there is! When we want to achieve something in life, we decide whether we allow our reality to out live that achievement, or whether we allow our other realities to reap all the…