How to build positive friendships

Friendship 101 – 8 ways to build positive relationships with your friends

Do you need to build more positive relationships with your friends? Are your friends annoying you a little? It’s not easy when you have standards for your relationships. In today’s article, I’m going to be talking about some criteria and standards to keep when cultivating strong relationships with your friends. Let’s be real, the world…

How to master your emotions

How to master your emotions | Emotional Intelligence

Feeling like you’re a whole heap of emotions? Getting distracted by other people’s successes online? Well in today’s article, I’m going to be talking about the art of mastering your emotions in the 21st century. I’m sure you know what emotional intelligence, a term coined initially Daniel H Coleman. He wrote a book on emotional…

Michael Tabirade Productivity

How to increase productivity in a heavily distracted world

I was given the privilege to provide a keynote presentation on how to increase productivity in a heavily distracted world. Thank you to Ben and Kate from the London meetup “4 hour work week” for giving me this platform. An improvement in your Productivity is heavily dependent upon your perspective of your goals and of…