Search Results for: personal brand

The No BS Guide to Building a Portfolio Career: How I Transitioned and You Can Too 
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The No BS Guide to Building a Portfolio Career: How I Transitioned and You Can Too 

Introduction. In this newsletter I’m going to be talking about how you can successfully build a portfolio career. This is the new way to create a career, as opposed to pursuing a career. It is becoming even more important to do this because as you know, the labour markets are changing. The term career portfolio…

How to mentally prepare for contracting as an employee

How to mentally prepare for contracting as an employee

I’ve spoken to many employees wanting to transition into contracting. The biggest fear they have is quitting. I can understand this as I was once this person. However, when I became a contractor back in Spring 2021 I was pushed by an insatiable feeling. Not everyone is going to get that feeling, and so I…

Contractors! You need to build a Portfolio Career
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Contractors! You need to build a Portfolio Career

Today I’m going to be talking about a portfolio career and how you can start one. Whether you’re a contractor or a permanent employee, this will be relevant to you. Portfolio careers are becoming more important due to some of the following factors: This is not a full list of factors but gives you a…

Thank you

Thank You For Subscribing to The Masteri Newsletter Check you inbox for more details. Coming from a single-parent low income household I got burnt out 5 times between the ages of 24 and 29. I had huge debts and hadn’t moved out. I didn’t like the permanent job life, and was struggling to be a…

Friendship 101 – 8 ways to build positive relationships with your friends

Friendship 101 – 8 ways to build positive relationships with your friends

Do you need to build more positive relationships with your friends? Are your friends annoying you a little? It’s not easy when you have standards for your relationships. In today’s article, I’m going to be talking about some criteria and standards to keep when cultivating strong relationships with your friends. Let’s be real, the world…

7 Steps to Improve Your Competitive Intelligence

7 Steps to Improve Your Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence is the ability to acquire skills and knowledge about a specific industry. In this instance, it is about knowing, understanding, analysing and evaluating information and data about your competitors. The idea is that this information will give you a head start of what you need to do, and determine the gaps in the…