
What is Quora? How Questions Can Make You Money

Quora is a question and answer website that organises information into categories. It is built upon a community of people who ask questions, hoping they will get a consolidated response from self-proclaimed experts. These responses can come in two main formats, written responses or video responses. Over the years Quora has been quietly rated as…

8 Types of Digital Marketing You Should Know About

The biggest problem that personal brands have when starting a business, is promoting their products and service effectively. They hear works like digital marketing but don’t know how to implement the right strategies. In this article, I’m going to attempt to explain what digital marketing is and the eighth different types of digital marketing you…


How to be an author of 3 self-published books

I’m proud to announce that I have self-published three books, a task I originally thought was impossible back in 2014, where I made my first attempt and failed miserably. I soon found strength two years later to start writing and by belief, accountability and discipline I committed to completing a working manuscript. A lot of…


Mindset – How to Reprogram Your Mind | Michael Tabirade #136

Mindset is the established set of attitudes that one has. The shot this video in order to explain how one can change their mindset, especially for the start of this new year. Pretty much everything we do starts with mindset, and without the right set of attitudes, it’s pretty difficult to steer yourself to take…