What is Relationship and Referral Marketing?

What is Relationship and Referral Marketing?

Network Marketing, also known as Relationship and referral marketing is exactly what it reads. It is all about developing strong relationships with people and referring people to your marketed products and services. It is also about using the relationships you currently have in order to create the ultimate business for you. This industry is also…

Valentine’s Day – Fall in Love with Purpose, Passion and Presence

Valentine’s Day – Fall in Love with Purpose, Passion and Presence

Happy Valentine’s day! If you look at the Roman story of how Valentine’s day began it reads that the emperor at the time banned marriages for men because he felt that they made bad soldiers. Some did not see this as right and took action like Saint Valentine did. He put together marriages in secret,…

5 Ultimate ways to create a Udemy Course or Any Course Online

5 Ultimate ways to create a Udemy Course or Any Course Online

Making money legitimately online is something that many people want to master and if you do a google search on it, you’ll get a myriad of options. One way that has proven to do well is making money via publishing, specifically creating online courses. Now, to be very clear creating any old course does not…

Book Number 2 is Out – Desire: The Cornerstone between Nothing and Success

Book Number 2 is Out – Desire: The Cornerstone between Nothing and Success

Book Number 2 is out! Who would have thought that in 2018 I could say that I am an author of two books, both which were self-published? For those who know me it may not be a surprise, but what I say and what I actually do at times still does surprise me. But without being…