#3 The Essence of Time
We have on average over 27,000 days in our lifetime, 700,000 hours to utilise our opportunities, 168 hours a week to go full throttle on our dreams. What are you doing with your time?
We have on average over 27,000 days in our lifetime, 700,000 hours to utilise our opportunities, 168 hours a week to go full throttle on our dreams. What are you doing with your time?
If you really want to create your environment, understand and fully know that you are the master controller of it! Manifest habits that will habitually transform you from a person of lack of being, to a person full of drive and substance, producing real, long-lasting, belief-induced, action orientated results!
Have you ever noticed patterns? Everything in Life has a pattern, some more noticeable than others. If you understand the patterns in life I guarantee you, you will reach your successes. Here’s an example, those of you who have friends will assume to know your friends pretty well and will believe to understand how they behave or…
There have been instances in our local history where proteinaceous RNA based viruses have been discovered in different parts of the world. For various reasons the attention of the inhabitants of these viruses have been directed towards Africa. These viruses are normally found carried by bats living in deeps caves, or amongst different primates. What is…
There is something wrong with the majority, they usually are wrong. Normally they are too focused on what is going on within their immediate environment and retrieve all their outside knowledge primarily from the mainstream media (that’s if they watch the news at all). The problem is reliance on such a big source where really…
I am an individual and so are you, and we have some systems in which there are predisposing definitions of what characters you and I have, before we were even born! One system is known as the Astrological Horoscope, which uses the positions and angles of planets, moons and stars in the sky that help…
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