How to Turn Your Goals into Reality: The Framework for Implementation

How to Turn Your Goals into Reality: The Framework for Implementation

Introduction: Are You Ready to Make It Happen? Let me ask you a serious question: How good are you at turning your goals into reality? It’s one thing to have dreams, but it’s another to make them tangible, actionable, and ultimately successful. Over my 400+ hours of coaching, I’ve learned to spot the difference between…

Are you taking on too much?

Are you taking on too much?

Unlocking Efficiency: The Hierarchy of Delegation I’ve recently been contemplating a concept I’ve crafted, and I’d like to introduce you to the Hierarchy of Delegation®. This idea emerged during one of those classic “shower thoughts” moments, as I pondered ways to enhance time management. While it may be particularly relevant to aspiring business owners or…

Michael Tabirade Productivity

How to increase productivity in a heavily distracted world

I was given the privilege to provide a keynote presentation on how to increase productivity in a heavily distracted world. Thank you to Ben and Kate from the London meetup “4 hour work week” for giving me this platform. An improvement in your Productivity is heavily dependent upon your perspective of your goals and of…


#70 How to use SWOT and PEST Analysis

SWOT analysis is a great personal development and business tool, to discover what needed to achieve results. SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can use this to identify how you can move forward and achieve success in the future by diagnosis using SWOT analysis. An additional business tool is PEST analysis…