How to be positive – “I don’t want to be a bar magnet”

How to be positive – “I don’t want to be a bar magnet”

I don’t want to be a Bar Magnet but I do want to be positive! And here’s why… The basic understanding of a bar magnet is that it has two poles, north pole and south pole. The Like poles repel each other and opposite poles attract each other, makes sense? You ever heard the saying “Opposites…

How to be more Positive: It’s a survival mechanism

How to be more Positive: It’s a survival mechanism

Introduction Positivity is a topic that we have to deal with every day, if it isn’t that then it’s neutral or a measure of negativity. But what is positivity? It is mentioned by friends and companions sometimes daily, “stay positive! It’s the only way!” they say. At times this may be difficult to do because…