The Life Management Formula: The System Your Year Needs.
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The Life Management Formula: The System Your Year Needs.

Life management is crucial for success. It is your ability to direct your activities towards your desired outcomes. This should be done in an aligned and rhythmic way. It is important to adopt life management because of the heavy distractions in life. Without it, we procrastinate and become inefficient. Developing a system contributes to our…

How to do a performance review for your Life
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How to do a performance review for your Life

Annual Personal Performance Reviews or APPRs, are important for revealing our progress overtime. It has allowed me to make smarter and wiser decisions for the following year. It has also given me the opportunity to experiment with things that were not made clear to me the previous year. APPRs are more effective when you have…

The Power of Gratitude | The Practice you need to Build

The Power of Gratitude | The Practice you need to Build

In this session I’m going to be discussing gratitude. I’m choosing this because it is a concept that is sometimes overlooked, yet has some great benefits. Gratitude is a vital topic, as it allows us to understand that we need to practice it more. Adopting a thankful nature changes the way we approach life. A…


11 Different ways to find your Purpose

Finding out your life’s purpose seems like a huge headache, especially if you don’t know where to start. This has been popularised due to thought leaders, positive and pop psychology, and people in your environment bouncing the word around like everyone must have this one thing they identify with. Naturally, we are teleological by nature,…


#101 Unleashing your 6 Superpowers! | FutureVersity I had the privilege of speaking to 200 year 10s in Canary Wharf aiming to motivate and prepare them for the working world. They have been on an inspiring and well planned out 10-day program hosted and funded by the charity FutureVersity, that showed them the importance of: *Drive *Well-informed *Resilient *Receptive *Self-awareness *Self-assurdness…


BYP Network: Summer Mingle | Motivational Speech – Michael Tabirade Part 2

In this section I spoke about the three concepts behind my tagline “Understand Reach Expand” – Understand focuses on developing knowledge and context behind your strengths, your purpose and how to move forward in life – Reach is about visualising, planning and strategising for success – Expand is based on systemising and networking to get…