Why struggle equals success
People say they want to be successful and don’t necessarily understand what they mean by this statement. Is it that they want to live a lifestyle full of restful holidays and leisure? Is it that they desire some form of elite business that generates ample supply of money? Whatever it is it seems that the…

Hi I’m an Aquarius and my “lucky” number is 3
I am an individual and so are you, and we have some systems in which there are predisposing definitions of what characters you and I have, before we were even born! One system is known as the Astrological Horoscope, which uses the positions and angles of planets, moons and stars in the sky that help…

So what is Love. Is it the highest order of energy and single driving force that produces all things? That sounds like God to me. If that statement is true, then like I have stated before we are all made from Love. Does being made from Love mean that we are ultimately Love too? So…

The Discovery of Creation
You are a creator! YES YOU! Everything within your reality included yourself you created. How so do you ask? Well if you understand everything as a potential thought then it makes things easier to understand. You see, only potential has the ability to change from one state to another at varying rates depending on the…

The Majority – How to stand out from the crowd
There is something wrong with the majority, they usually are wrong. Normally they are too focused on what is going on within their immediate environment and retrieve all their outside knowledge primarily from the mainstream media (that’s if they watch the news at all). The problem is reliance on such a big source where really…

The law of Appreciation (the basics)
There are many people in life who have people around them who have people that support them, improve their well-being and state of mind, as well as council them; the problem is that these people being helped display a lack of appreciation. Here are the definitions for appreciation: The recognition and enjoyment of the good…

I’m Bursting I really need to go!!!
Imagine this if this hasn’t already happened to you- “So you have a lavish meal and it looks extremely appetising, yet it wasn’t what you called for in the long run… On your way to work you begin to feel your stomach rumble and growl, even roar and it is quite embarrassing. You also begin…

Hippos and Cheeaths
The hippopotamus, abbreviated as the hippo, is the third largest mammal to be placed on planet earth trailing behind the elephant and the white rhino. It is a round creature that has been given the name “river horse”. Amongst its predators are the human and the lion, it seems like being big does not accredit…

Creation or Deviation ?
God or gods have been debated over time, whether it has been from the beginning of time or not, that we will not know. God or gods have been believed to create all living and non-living things upon the earth, and as far to go and say within a universe, and the very multiple collection…

Everyone is an actor. Everyone
If the world was a stage, we’d be its actors, with some actors who play their role well and others who don’t. Some actors will have roles closer to their natural form, and others more unnatural. Given time the actors will continue to take on their role with pride, extending their talent towards a greater…

I’m scared of the light
When I type the into Google “definition of fear” this is what appears in the search engine- An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. This is a perfect way to start this post, as the definition clearly shows that fear is produced…