#5 Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
Together Everyone Achieves More! This certainly applies when you have a solid team that sees the same vision, the teamwork is infallible, and the dreamwork is real-work!
Together Everyone Achieves More! This certainly applies when you have a solid team that sees the same vision, the teamwork is infallible, and the dreamwork is real-work!
Happy Valentine’s day! If you look at the Roman story of how Valentine’s day began it reads that the emperor at the time banned marriages for men because he felt that they made bad soldiers. Some did not see this as right and took action like Saint Valentine did. He put together marriages in secret,…
I had my first talk of 2017 at a well-respected fundraising event for alumni raising money to re-build a school stricken by a 20-year war in Northern Uganda. The talk aimed to encourage and inspire the next generation to become innovators and systems leaders of today’s society. It boiled down to three main points:…
Here are your 5 tips for networking effectively: 1. Create your own network 2. Stick to a Community 3. Dress Immaculately 4. Listen, Question Speak well 5. Commit to a Cause and attract more people Author of http://bit.ly/URE_Book1 – Michael Tabirade If you want more check out my FREE video series, 5 Models for…
If the world was a stage, we’d be its actors, with some actors who play their role well and others who don’t. Some actors will have roles closer to their natural form, and others more unnatural. Given time the actors will continue to take on their role with pride, extending their talent towards a greater…
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