Staying Motivated – Lecture at University of West England
Inspired by the launch of my book, I was kindly invited by Doctor Margaret Roberts to speak to a group of Organisational Development & HR Postgraduates on how one can stay motivated.
Inspired by the launch of my book, I was kindly invited by Doctor Margaret Roberts to speak to a group of Organisational Development & HR Postgraduates on how one can stay motivated.
This video is one of the most soul-driving and inspiring ones you will come across, and it’s was done by Charlie Chaplin in 1940. He passionately expresses that everyone has the power to unite and fight for what is right, rather than be enslaved and be down trodden by barriers. The ultimate goal is unity…
I had my first talk of 2017 at a well-respected fundraising event for alumni raising money to re-build a school stricken by a 20-year war in Northern Uganda. The talk aimed to encourage and inspire the next generation to become innovators and systems leaders of today’s society. It boiled down to three main points:…
Learn the new way to create your career, make mula and master your personal development.
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