
To be the best you need the best | The Importance of having a Coach

I have come from a space where I didn’t like reading. It was only in 2011 when I was challenged by my former line-manager who said: “You never know what you could find out if you read…” Funnily enough around the same time, I had been listening to Will Smith on YouTube and came across…


The 9 Principles of Project Management

Project Management has become the de facto skill that pretty much every industry needs. If you are not familiar with its principles, you are already missing out! Whether it is in entrepreneurship or in the corporate work, project management is required. A good project manager stands out from the crowd and is able to handle…


11 Different ways to find your Purpose

Finding out your life’s purpose seems like a huge headache, especially if you don’t know where to start. This has been popularised due to thought leaders, positive and pop psychology, and people in your environment bouncing the word around like everyone must have this one thing they identify with. Naturally, we are teleological by nature,…